Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"The Word and the Sword" - Andrew Marr's History of the World

If today's Knowledge Check quiz is an accurate picture of how well you all are retaining the readings, we are making big steps in the right direction.  Remember, there is no substitute for close reading and detailed notes.

After our quiz, we watched about 40 minutes Andrew Marr's History of the World (Episode 3): The Word and the Sword.  It covers some really important themes from our class, including the intersection of religion and politics during the Age of Empires.  It begins with India, which we will get to in chapter 6.  Most importantly, at least this week, is its coverage of Han China and Rome.

If you did not get a chance to see it or if you would like to watch the full episode, follow the link or watch it right here.

BBC.Andrew.Marr.s.History.of.the.World.3of8.The.Word.and.the.Sword.PDTV.XviD.MVGroup.org from daniela marĂ£o on Vimeo.

Tonight and Beyond
 Tonight's reading assignment will take us to page 151, and the end of the sections on Rome.

If you have a chance to get ahead, I'll be assigning the remainder of the chapter tomorrow.  Remember, a big part of our focus in this chapter is the comparison of the Roman Empire and the Han Empire.

Our chapter quiz this time will take two days, one for the multiple choice and one for the essay.  Begin preparing now!

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