Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 26 - Kicking off Chapter 4 . . . and History Fair!

Wednesday Recap
Sorry! I have missed a few days here on the blog, but I'm BACK!

We kick-off Chapter 4 - Greece and Iran 1000-30 BCE - with tonight's chapter preview.  The beginning of each chapter is always a new beginning, so to speak.  With each chapter, more and more of you are getting the hang of how to approach the reading and note taking.  I handed out the notecard term list today, and you can also find it by clicking here

Grades for the Chapter 3 (open-note/book) quiz are now up on parent portal. Grades are definitely moving in the right direction.  How well you do on the quiz at the end of chapter 4 will, in large part, be determined by how well you approach the reading and note taking beginning tonight.

Make sure that you come class tomorrow prepared to discuss the "SOAPing" of the protests documents in chapter 3.

History Fair 2014!
Our history fair journey begins today.  Here are a few resources that you may find helpful as you consider topics and categories.

2014 NHD Theme Sheet - Rights & Responsibilities

Sample Topics

Mr. Veliz's LHS History Fair Website

NHD Website

HF Homework - Click here for the HF Topic and Category Selection Form

As you work through this process, please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help.

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