Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day 2 - Done!

I hope everyone is beginning to feel a little more comfortable moving around campus.

We were given lots of good information at today's 9th grade assembly, and I hope you take what was said to heart. I don't expect that you guys will run into many disciplinary problems, but many will have to quickly adjust to the high school workload. I also want to encourage you each to get involved with something extracurricular. There are many clubs that will begin to hold meetings in the coming weeks. Join something!

Today's Recap
  • Today we walked through the sign-up process for Edmodo.  This is going to be an important tool this year.
  •  You learned about my expectations with regard to note taking.  We will use a modified Cornell notes format.  Look under the Tools 4 Students link at my website for the presentation used in class today.
 Stuff To Do Tonight
  •  Make sure that you go to Edmodo.com tonight and setup you account with the group code provided in class.
  • If you have not yet turned in a syllabus confirmation sheet, please do so tomorrow. If you have not yet completed the online student profile, do that now.
  • We will get moving with the meat of this course beginning tomorrow.  Get some rest!

Don't forget about Remind 101 texting service.  Text  @mrveliz to (860) 899-1370.

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