Friday, August 23, 2013

The end of a good first week.

Well, we made through the first week.  Everyone looked a little tired today, so make sure you are getting enough rest.  The weekend is a great time to catch-up with our sleep.  It also a great time for those that have a busy weekly schedule to get ahead with our reading.  I don't have any specific assignments to give you right now (I'll be doing that this weekend), but I can tell you that we'll get deep into chapter 2 of the textbook next week.

We had our first quick quiz today, and I know that it was scary for some of you.  I hope that you use these quick quizzes to inform the way that you approach reading and note taking.

We made it through the first two-thirds of Chapter One - hunter-gatherers, the agricultural revolution, and Mesopotamia.  How well did you do?  Do you feel that you've done a good job reading and taking notes?  If so, GREAT!  If not, use this weekend wisely.

This Weekend in APWH
  • First, finish reading Chapter One in the textbook.  This will take us through Egypt and the Indus Valley Civilization.  As you near the end of the chapter, pay attention to the Comparative Perspectives on page 34 and chapter summary.  You may also want to make sure that you have all of the Key Terms covered in your notes.
  • You will also need to watch Crash Course in World History - Ancient Mesopotamia.  I have embedded the video below, or follow the link if that works better for you.
    • You need to access the viewing guide by clicking here.
    • I recommend that you watch the episode through once before taking any notes or completing the viewing guide.  Then watch it a second time, pausing when needed to take notes and answer the questions.
    • Enjoy! This is great stuff.

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