Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 7 - All about primary sources!

Tuesday Recap
Doing history is about digging into and through the record left behind and the artifacts the remain as evidence of events of the past.  This is where history comes alive.  I hope that this year you gain an appreciation for  and an interest in history by doing history.

Today in class, we read a portion of the Prologue from our class document reader - The Human Record.  The two most important things to take away from class today is an understanding of point of view (POV) and the six Ws - What, Who, Whom, Why, Where, and When.  These are the tools we need to effectively analyze primary sources.

Tuesday Evening with Gilgamesh
This evening, I want you to dig into the challenging Epic of Gilgamesh.  Rather than go into any detail here, I want you to explore the resources provided for you and come to class tomorrow prepared to discuss what you've learned.

Before tackling the document, I want you to go the Gilgamesh website by clicking here. While there are lots of interesting things to explore at this site, I want you to focus on the video

After watching the video, download the PDF containing the document and carefully read/analyze it.  Don't forget the Six Ws.  Stop when you get to document two, The Judgements of Hammurabi.  The document can be downloaded by clicking here.

Reminder:  Our chapter one quiz has been moved to Thursday.

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