Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 6 - Monday Writing Workshop

Monday Recap
Today was the first of what I hope will be a weekly Writing Workshop Monday. The idea is to have one day to focus on writing skills, sometime in general but usually targeted to one of the three essays that you will write as part of the AP exam in May.

Today we went over the composition of the AP exam, and it became clear how important those three essays will be to your overall success in this course.

We then settled in to write a very basic compare and contrast essay on the three river valley civilizations covered in chapter one of our textbook.  These will be graded but not as a major essay grade. Instead, they will be calculated as a classwork assignment.

Today, you also heard one of the "slogans" that I will continue to shout throughout this school year:
If you Plan More, you can Write Less.

What should I do tonight for APWH?
I'm giving you a bit of a break on reading tonight, but I certainly hope that you do not take the night off completely.  Remember, we are having our first Chapter Quiz on Wednesday.  At the very least, you should spend time cleaning up and reviewing your notes.

Many of you have found the Crash Course videos helpful in pulling together everything that you've read on the Agricultural Revolution and the River valley Civilizations.  I won't be assigning the episodes covering the Indus River Valley and Nile River Civilizations.  I am, however, embedding them below in case you would like to use them tonight or in the future to review what you've learned.  This would be a very good idea.

Episode #2 Indus Valley Civilization

Episode #4 Ancient Egypt

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