Thursday, August 29, 2013

Day 9 - I can see the long weekend from here!

Thursday Recap
I am glad that we have our first real quiz behind us.  I expect that many of you found it really difficult.  Don't worry!  You will get better at this; and as you do, tests and quizzes will become more manageable.

We will spend some time reviewing this first quiz, and you will have an opportunity to improve your grade.

Lincoln Trojans Football - Game 1 - Tonight!  I hope that some of you are able to make it out to tonight's football game.  Our reading load for tonight is relatively light, so take advantage by going out to support our team, cheerleaders, and band.

Whatever you decide to do tonight, please come to class prepared to discuss Hammurabi's Code.  Pay attention to the Questions for Analysis, they will drive our discussion.  The document is in the same PDF as Gilgamesh.

Your reading assignment for this weekend is Chapter 2 in the textbook, Pages 38-50.  You can find the PDF on Edmodo.

Enjoy your Thursday evening!

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